Leadership Tips - Be Successful With a Persuasive Personality


Be successful with a persuasive personality. Some traits and habits to a persuasive personality are:

  • have a big vision for yourself and others

  • be a good listener

  • have a positive mental attitude

  • dress appropriately

  • radiate enthusiasm

  • develop a good sense of humor

  • speak confidently

  • help others win with your service/product

  • help others win with a referral

"Persuasion is that all-important ability to get others to do what you want them to do because they want to do it. Maybe it takes reasoning, coaxing, explaining, or even a plate of brownies still warm from the oven. But whatever it takes, obviously persuasion is what's needed to make things happen, to take anything from Point A (your idea) to Point B (others helping to advance that idea)." -- Dr. Tony Alessandra

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