Leadership Tips to Using Unseen Forces to Attract Your Wants

Attract Your Wants

  • Visualize something you want to achieve that inspires you Shoulds are negative vibrations.

  • Remember to integrate vibrational frequencies of higher and lower densities.

  • Keep your vision alive by putting it on paper, on your computer, on your nightstand. This creates an escrow of vibrations attracting what you want closer to you.

  • Make up a name for your vision, such as “Millionaire in Action” or “Beautiful Home” or “Dream Vacation /Job,” etc.

  • Dare to challenge your imagination by asking, “What if?”

  • Inspired visions create positive energies fields creating flow and reducing stress.

Get a head start on your goals for 2009 and Make This Year a Most Extraordinary Year! Our special 2-session teleseminar starts January 7th with another series starting January 22nd. Click here for more information and to register!
