The Bigger Game Competencies from A to Z - Part Five

Bigger GameNow here are questions to determine reaching the “Z” Factor - your Bigger Game:
  1. What insights did you get from the “A” Factor questions?

  2. What is your bigger game possibility? Give your bigger game a name, such as “Thriving Now” or “Living Life on My Terms.”

  3. What is it you want to do, be and have?

  4. What is it you really want to do, be and have?

  5. What is it you really, really, really want to do, be and have?

Take some time right now to answer a few of these questions, if not all. I would love to hear your comments and answers - feel free to post them below where it says "comments"!

Want some laser coaching around these questions? Contact me for an appointment...

Our next Get It Done Cafe is TODAY - Friday, June 19th! Decide on your goal and Get It Done! And receive laser coaching from me to help you on your way... Register here.

Coaching make a tremendous difference - out next group coaching program starts June 22, 2009 – Mondays – 2:00pm-3:00pm Eastern - SOAR Through Transition! Your talents and gifts are unique. However, how are they being developed to take you to where you want to go? How are you maximizing your strengths and building your repertoire to redefine your position in life? If you want to thrive during change rather than live in quiet desperation or wander in uncertainty, click here to find out how. Click here for details and registration.
