The Bigger Game Competencies from A to Z - Part Nine


Three more Tips to Transform Your Present Game to a Bigger Game:

  1. Keeping a closed mind to possibilities that there is another way minimizes who you are and what you are capable of doing. Closed mind – closed heart is limited living. YUCK! If your environment is full of clutter, clean it up. Clutter is taking up space and energy.

  2. By removing clutter you allow your inner guidance the space to help you design the bigger game you yearn for. Clutter adds responsibility to your “someday” list that can add stress and overwhelm.

  3. Remember your “bigger game” is within you and ready to come out and play to win. After all Anything is Possible!

“Leadership is not so much about technique and methods as it is about opening the heart. Leadership is about inspiration—of oneself and of others. Great leadership is about human experiences, not processes. Leadership is not a formula or a program, it is human activity that comes from the heart and considers the hearts of others. It is an attitude, not a routine.”—Lance Secretan – U.S. leadership author and consultant

Our website had plenty of resources to help you with your transformation including free assessments - check them out here...

Our July Get It Done Cafe is only $10! Ten bucks to have support and laser coaching from Coach TM to get your goal done in a few hours. We meet Friday, July 17th. Sign up now!

Busting Loose From The Business Game
I highly recommend my friend Bob Scheinfeld's new book "Busting Loose From The Business Game." I recommend the book highly and strongly encourage you to click through and take a close look. It's a paradigm shifting creation that can rock all aspects of your world if you embrace it. Click here for more information!
