A week ago I talked about Mountain Climbing and Multi-Tasking - here's a tip for you:
For a week make a list each day of when you were multi-tasking.
How did it serve you?
How did it serve others?
For example, if you were in a conversation with someone and you stopped to answer you phone, which could have been handled after your conversation (not everything is an emergency or life and death deal), how was the person being served by the intrusion?
Were you truly a fully present listening supporter for them or was your mind full of chatter of what you had to do next?
Or did you stop and were fully present when you on the phone with someone?
Or were you checking email at the same time you were talking?
Practice being fully present to what you are doing in a way that others feel your authenticity. It will make a huge difference in making your mountain climbing easier.
Ready to become the leader you were meant to be? Join one of our 3 upcoming group coaching programs today. Visit the following links for information on these programs:
These programs start the first week of November, so be sure to claim your space and sign up now - each group is limited to 8 participants!
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