Your Richest Resource - The Power of Thought

What is the Richest Resource we always have at our disposal 24/7? Power of Thought

It often is overlooked. It is often ignored. And it is oftenunderutilized. However, when this power is fully engaged andfocused, miracles happen.

It is in the Power of Thought.

Thought is the starting gate from where our imagination generates the change we are seeking to make. How we channel our thoughts to effect the change we want is the secret of winners.

What are your thoughts about change?

Change is happening all around us and in us. For example, 1% of our body cells are replaced every day. How we narrate change in our lives determines our destiny. Knowing the difference about what you can or cannot change is essential. One can go along for the ride and be at the mercy of change and land wherever the wind blows. Or you can use the Power of Thought to be in charge of who you want to be and where you want to land.

Frankly, I would rather be at 'choice' in the matter of being on course in living life on my terms. Wouldn't you?

You might say I can't change the fact that my cells are constantly being replaced. True, but I can change how they are nourished nutritionally, emotionally, and through physical exercise. I can change whether my cells will grow stronger or weaker. It begins with thoughts and turning thoughts into positive action. So you see, there is what you can change and what you can't change within the same issue. And it begins with thought and what's possible.

Use your Power of Thought to effect the change you want. Use the power of dialing in to my complimentary teleclasses to realize your secret aspirations. I say secret because most of us know we want something different, but are uncertain in defining what IT is we really want.

I would love to hear your answers to these questions:

  • What's the purpose of sharing thoughts with others?

  • How do you sort and test new thoughts that you are interested in pursuing?

  • What are your thoughts about creating a life that you intentionally design?
