Leadership Pointers: Learn More to Have More What?

Be the Captain of Your Ship
"Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other." - John F. Kennedy

Defining more of what you want and who you want to be as a leader is a great head start to being on the Right Track. Leadership is not a standing still exercise. It is an exercise in the evolution of where you want to make a difference, what you need to learn and who you want to be. It is organic.

Leadership is not without its challenges, risks, and celebrations. And you can't do it alone. When you think of it, what's the sense of being a leader if you are doing it by yourself!!!

Leadership is available to all - Leaders call forth others who are committed to the same vision personally, professionally, politically, and in communities. If what you are doing as a leader is not producing the results you want, what needs to be learned?

And if it is producing the results, where are you holding back in the evolution of your leadership mastery?

Leaders take responsibility for their actions regardless of outcomes. Ship captains are the first to know their destination before lifting anchor and are the last to leave a burning ship.

If you are reading this, my sense is that you are being called forth to play a bigger game. What is it?

Ready to play a bigger game? Join one of our 3 upcoming group coaching programs today. Visit the following links for information on these programs:

Register today - these programs start November 4th!
