- Make a date with yourself to try something new like a hobby to stimulate your imagination. Give yourself permission to take the time. The rewards will be more than if you keep doing what you are doing.
- Create an imaginary playroom and have fun doing and being whatever you want. Notice any judgments you may have about this suggestion. More than likely you have the same judgments about trying anything new. Some judgments may be that “this is silly,” or “why bother, it won’t happen,” or “I am too old, too fat, too young, too shy,” or any self-talk that talks you out of becoming more of who you are.
- Imagine the person you want to be and fill in the blanks similar to those spoken by Higgins to Eliza in Pygmalion: Think like a _____________, act like a _____________, talk like a _______________, and one day you will be a ______________.
“To know is nothing at all; to imagine is everything” - Anatole France, author and Nobel Prize Winner of Literature.
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