Let me not bash the inner critic too harshly! After all, the inner critic is there to protect you from getting hurt, no matter how much you are in pain or dissatisfaction with your situation. What if the inner critic was sending you a wake-up call?
The inner critic does have its good points in playing these tunes, because if you pay close attention, you may get it that the tapes were helpful as you were growing up, but it is time for new tunes.
Children are taught from their environment and teachings. Inner critics start to make recordings of how to make it in the world. They were tunes to be obeyed and honored. This isn’t to make anyone wrong or be judgmental, it’s just what happened. Children are sensitive.
Negative remarks stick like super glue through adulthood. The mysterious feature is that kind and uplifting tunes get shoved way deep inside, while the inner critics’ tunes play loud and clear, keeping most people from being all they can and want to be.
To be sure, there are challenges when it is so tempting to listen to inner critic’s song to stay put and don’t rock the boat.
“I am still determined to be cheerful and happy, in whatever situation I may be; for I have also learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends upon our dispositions, and not upon our circumstances.” - Martha Washington
This is YOUR wake up call! Make 2009 a Most Extraordinary Year now!
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