- If you are confused and uncertain about what you want, don’t take it personally since that is true for most people. You are definitely not alone. One way to get clarity about what you want is to make a list of what you don’t want.
- Take your list of don’t wants and turn them around. This way you will find out what you do want. For example you might write: “I don’t want to live from paycheck to paycheck.” The flip side is: “I want to earn more money.” Or “I don’t want to live in the city anymore.” Flip side: “I want to live where I can see trees and I can hear the birds sing – closer to nature.”
- Within you lie unlimited resources. One of which is your imagination. Use your imagination to get clarity about what you want. Albert Einstein said, “Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine and at last you create what you will.” Reread this quote and really get its wisdom.
- Be specific in using your imagination. If it is more money you want, include how much. Example: I want to earn $5,000 more a month within the next three months. With that money I plan to ______________________ (fill in blank). Or I want to take off 10 pounds this month. I can see myself being one size smaller and looking good! Reread the Einstein quote above.
- Find the resources to get you on your right track to being on purpose personally and professionally. Don’t be a lone ranger. It will leave you behind. However, when people work together toward an outcome, they can accomplish extraordinary results with a larger impact than doing it in isolation.
Don’t leave your potential inside. You were born to be a winner. You will be meant to be successful doing what you love.
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