Leadership Questions to Landscaping Your Life...

Landscape Your Life!The past two days we've talked about looking at your life's "garden" and mapping it out and seeing where you need to weed and where you need to plant and nurture.

Questions Hold the Answers to Landscaping your Life...

  • What are you noticing as you look over your life landscape?

  • What feelings come up?

  • Which themes require more fertilization – nurturing – attention?

Our next FREE teleclass is a sure-fire winner: Thursday, April 2nd - Improving Your Score With Trained Wings. Look at your First Quarter and start your Second Quarter off with new strategies and ideas! Register NOW!

6 months is a perfect amount of time to grow and harvest your desires. I have several 6-month coaching programs starting very soon and I invite you to check them out and choose the one that best suits the growth of your dreams and desires.

SOAR though Transition Get on Your Right Track - starts April 21st.

Playing a Bigger Game Worth Winning Group Coaching Circle - starts May 6th.

7 Organic Leadership Tracks: Passion to Mastery Group Coaching Circle - starts May 14th.
