Leadership Strategy - Use Fear to Shift and Transform Your Life

Fear Spirals Down
Fear can spiral leaving you on the edge of depression, but somewhere in the spiraling or even before there is a call to answer.

It is your call to shift and transform to a new chapter in your life. You are meant to awaken to your heart’s desire.

Unfortunately, it often takes an earth shaking event to get your attention. The change is actually your ticket to possibilities which have been collecting dust in the crevices of your mind, but they are there.
There are no guarantees in life that if you follow one path and not another that it is the right path. However, living in the future from the past is like a hamster on one of those toy wheels that just keeping spinning in place going no place!

The right path is self-awareness in training your mind by listening to your emotional guidance system.

Tomorrow I'll offer some questions for exploration into this topic!

Have you registered for our Get It Done Cafe coming up this Friday, March 17th? Spaces are filling up so register now!
