Continuing our discussion about Avis from yesterday...
Hertz had three times as many cars and five times more revenue than Avis in 1964, but Robert Townsend, President of Avis said, "...his aim is not to become No. 1 - he just wants Avis to be the fastest growing with the highest profit margin." (Resource: http://tinyurl.com/tmavis)
Hertz had three times as many cars and five times more revenue than Avis in 1964, but Robert Townsend, President of Avis said, "...his aim is not to become No. 1 - he just wants Avis to be the fastest growing with the highest profit margin." (Resource: http://tinyurl.com/tmavis)
What a concept to try harder and be the best in the second position, which still was a fantastic leap from where it was unlikely they were even going to be able to stay in business!
Jay Leno of the NBC Tonight Show agrees competition doesn't have to be adversarial. He says "Bill Maher and I are on against each other, and we're friends. He can do my show any time he wants, and I've done Politically Incorrect several times. There's no reason to think competition has to be adversarial."
What are your thoughts on competition? I would love to hear them! Post them below where it says 'comments'.
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SOAR though Transition Get on Your Right Track - starts April 21st.
SOAR though Transition Get on Your Right Track - starts April 21st.
Playing a Bigger Game Worth Winning Group Coaching Circle - starts May 6th.
7 Organic Leadership Tracks: Passion to Mastery Group Coaching Circle - starts May 14th.
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