Get The Competitive Edge by Being Different

Be Different to Gain the Competitive Edge!Competition doesn't mean it has to be adversarial or using unfair tactics to win; nor does it necessarily mean being number one is better than being number two in the same area of competition.

In 1962 Avis Car Rental was significantly behind their competition. Hertz was in the number one spot. However, Avis was not willing to give up so easily and throw in the towel. They changed their image by pulling away from the usual marketing strategies striving to be" Number One." Instead they repositioned themselves as the car rental company that tries harder than their competition. Their slogan "Avis is Only #2 - We Try Harder" focused on winning without being in first place.

Their campaign had the appeal of being the underdog. Employees and car rental customers alike got on board to support Avis' mission.

Employees provided extraordinary customer service. Customers took a look another look at Avis and recognized they were trying harder as demonstrated by their product and service. Customer demand increased significantly. The underdog brand was a winner! By 1966 Avis had tripled its market share from 11% to 35%. be continued tomorrow!

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SOAR though Transition Get on Your Right Track - starts April 21st.

Playing a Bigger Game Worth Winning Group Coaching Circle - starts May 6th.

7 Organic Leadership Tracks: Passion to Mastery Group Coaching Circle - starts May 14th.

And remember, our next Get It Done Cafe is on Friday, April 17th - pick a goal and get it done that day! Register here...
