Questions to Help You Balance Your Life

“I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it.” –Pablo Picasso

Here are some leadership balance questions to ponder:

  • What does balance look like to you?

  • Where do you want more balance?

  • What difference would balance make in your leadership?

  • If things stayed the same, what would it cost you?

  • What or who is driving your leadership bus? Is it habit, self-limiting self-talk, routine, pressure from others?

  • Pretend your life/career is in balance, what are you doing and who are you being? Use your imagination. At this point don’t worry about the how.

“Wealth stays with us a little moment if at all: only our characters are steadfast, not our gold.”—Euripides

Our upcoming group coaching programs can help you find and achieve the balance you need in your life.

Playing a Bigger Game Worth Winning Group Coaching Circle - starts May 6th.

7 Organic Leadership Tracks: Passion to Mastery Group Coaching Circle - starts May 14th.
