Your Success Strategy - Romance and Transformation

Romance and TransformationWhat does romance have to do with transformation? Maybe nothing! Maybe something! To me romance is euphoric with possibilities to transforming to a longer relationship. Usually we look to another to bring us romance and generally we respond back. We cannot expect another to give us what we are not willing to give.

Transformation like romance has it valleys and peaks. However, if you aren’t willing to travel the valleys and peaks, you keep repeating the past with different characters and events, but the themes repeat themselves. Until you answer the nudging of your gut that “there is something more” everything will remain the same.

In my Right Track Coaching group coaching programs, participants open up to exploration into new possibilities. Generally my clients are already successful. However, rather than stay in their comfort zone, they willingly stretch themselves to go beyond what they already know. In their journey to self-awareness they learn what’s next for them that lights them up. A natural by-product of being on purpose is romance! They awaken to new opportunities that ignite their passion for living and loving.

We have several new coaching programs starting soon. I hope you will join us!

And remember, our next Get It Done Cafe is on Friday, April 17th - pick a goal and get it done that day! Register here...
