Balance is not a state or place we can get to. Balance is always in motion. A ballerina trains and practices balance to be on point, a golfer balances his/her golf swing, a pilot keeps the aircraft balanced through all types of weather conditions. Each of these examples illustrate different areas where balance is required, however, each of the individuals have one fundamental characteristic. They are focused on an objective to get to a specific outcome. Balance is a skill to be developed.
In today’s high-speed, frenzied world it is not easy to stay balanced. There are countless events and relationships competing for your attention. It is taking toll on one’s health, career and relationships. Clients come to Right Track Coaching because they are frustrated and can no longer take the stress. They are looking for balance.
Balance is developed through choices and deciding who is driving the bus. Are you driving the bus or are your decisions based on spreading yourself too thin driving the bus?
Are you willing to experience new perspectives? If not, what can you expect as the world changes around you? If yes, congratulations on going deeper down the rabbit hole of self-awareness.
We have several upcoming group coaching programs starting soon:Playing a Bigger Game Worth Winning Group Coaching Circle - starts May 6th.
7 Organic Leadership Tracks: Passion to Mastery Group Coaching Circle - starts May 14th.
Bring balance into your life - our group coaching programs can help!
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