The Bigger Game Competencies from A to Z - Part Seven

Inspiration and Motivation

Here are more Questions to Factor in “B to Y” to get from “A - the present game - to Z – your Bigger Game”:

  • What are three resources you have available to help train you in reaching new competencies to play your bigger game? It could be a mentor, coach, friend, school, etc.

  • What will keep you inspired and motivated along the way, especially when the going gets tough?

  • What are five habits you will be developing during this journey to ensure your success? It could be better time management, meditation, reading biographies of people you admire and inspire you.

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Our July Get It Done Cafe is only $10! Ten bucks to have support and laser coaching from Coach TM to get your goal done in a few hours. We meet Friday, July 17th. Sign up now!
