Fear Robs You of Your Place in The World

Closed Heart
Fear of not being good enough or not having enough robs you of your place in the world.

And that place isn’t defined by others, but by your heart.

Shutting down your heart is so much work defending why not to love what you are doing or why not to love unconditionally.

Unconditional love doesn’t mean accepting to be mistreated. One of the facets of unconditional love is forgiveness and letting go that which is harmful.

Healing your heart, being open to love and being love expressed is part of attracting love and power.

One of the ways to let go of fear is to evolve from your heart to your head, not the other way around – from your head to your heart.

Coaching does make a difference! Mark your calendar: June 17, 2009 – Wednesdays – 10:00am-11:00am Eastern – “Play a Bigger Game Worth Winning” – For leaders recognizing the importance of not being blind sided with their present success or wants to focus on a larger vision. Nothing stays the same. Leaders are always evolving in character and their actions reflect their continuous development. Click here for details and registration.

Our next FREE teleseminar is Thursday, June 18th. Get more information and register here.

Our next Get It Done Cafe is Friday, June 19th! Decide on your goal and Get It Done! And receive laser coaching from me to help you on your way... Register here.
