Are You a Renaissance Soul?

Renaissance Soul
Here are a few questions to see if you are a Renaissance Soul:

If you specialized in a particular subject in school, did you move into a new field after your education was complete? Yes___ No____

Do you find it almost impossible to answer the question: “What do you picture yourself doing in five years?” Yes ___ No____

When you really understand how something works, or master a new activity, do you feel bored and ready to try something new? Yes___ No___

I'll provide a few more questions next the meantime, please join my FREE teleseminar on Thursday, August 13th at 11 AM Central: 5 Strategies for the Renaissance Soul to Lead.

Take the full quiz here and then register for the class. We'll discuss your findings on the call!

Join me on August 17 & 24, 2009 – for the "It’s Never Too Late Teleseminar" – in two sessions - 5:30pm Central – 6:30pm Eastern

More than half of 2009 is gone. How many of your goals have you achieved? If you have achieved your goals, then what are your goals for the balance of 2009? This teleseminar will inspire and motivate you to celebrate New Year’s Eve knowing you made big breakthroughs in 2009 and will start 2010 with hope and confidence to achieve what you desire.

Register today!
