Notice Daily Routines and Change Some of Them

Routines Success Tip #2 to Get You Beyond the Trees:

Go into the forest of your imagination and venture beyond familiar territory.

Notice your daily routines and change some of them. For example:
  • Check out new careers you have been postponing.

  • Don’t watch television for a week and notice what you do with your time.

  • Take up a creative hobby that gets you out of the tree house and into the forest.

  • Call friends you haven’t contacted in a while and have meant to.

  • Take a different route to work without being on your cell phone or texting.

  • Be present!

My next FREE teleseminar is coming up this Thursday, September 3rd, and it's a big one!
SOAR Thru Career Moves Successfully. This is a very Special Career Transition Teleconference!

You pay a heavy price when you neglect possibilities to have the career you would rather have and settle for a job where you put in hours with the only purpose is to pay the bills. I use the distinction of job as something that you do day in and day out to get by and a “career” as something you enjoy doing.

Join me on Thursday, September 3rd at noon Eastern - get more information and register here!
