Look at What IS Working in Your Life and Career

Check Your Inner CompassInstead of looking at what isn’t working, look at what is working. It may be difficult to see beyond the trees to get the big picture of the forest, but with help you can do it.

Doing it by yourself rarely works, because you are seeing it from the way you usually look at things, which is normal, and very limiting.

Open up to transition by developing your potential using the resources both within and outside of yourself.

Within you is a compass which may be buried deep inside that holds the map to begin your career transition journey.

It may be a little rusty at first because it has been buried while you were doing what you were doing, which was perfectly fine at the time, but it is time for change.

My next group coaching program starts Tuesday, October 20th, 2009. Get information and register here!

You don't have to go it alone - coaching is a great way to jumpstart your process and get you where you want to be much faster. Contact me to see if coaching is right for you.
