Tip #1 to Fire up the Path to Possibilities

KnittingUse knitting to free your mind from stress, routines, or trying to force an outcome when present resources fail to give you a solution.

It is better to knit repetitive patterns and use one color.

This will help you to zone out and free your mind from preconceived ideas.

What becomes available is a clean canvas where possibilities come alive.

And remember, knitting is not exclusive to women.

The Boston Globe (1/31/02) reported that male knitters include Russell Crowe, Oscar Winning Actor; Ethan Zohn, winner of CBS Survivor: Africa; Bob Mackie, American fashion designer; and Stu Bloomberg, network TV producer.

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Our next FREE Teleseminar is Wednesday, December 9th at noon Eastern: Answering Your Call as a Leader in 2010

  • How do you want to complete 2009 and begin 2010?

  • What was missing in 2009 in your control that you procrastinated accomplishing?

  • What is your vision for 2010?

  • What is your willingness to have 2010 be a dream year?
My calls are interactive and educational. We are all teachers and students – receivers and givers. I guarantee you will leave learning seven key steps to having 2010 be your dream year. You are the possibility of “Anything is Possible”! Registrants will receive a handout for this teleconference. Get more information and register here.
