Do Live With a Microscopic Vision?

do you have microscopic vision?Yes, you make numberless choices every day and each choice involves a role that you play.

The point is to notice how many decisions and actions you take each day which are proactive and based on a bigger vision of self, and which are acted upon mindlessly.

Daily activities are initiated from choice with a purpose.

But what is the purpose? What is the reason for the purpose?

The majority of people live with a microscopic vision of making it through the day.

Making it through the day and waking up to another day of the same is limiting and lifeless.

It also cheats you from evolving into the leader you are meant to be and generating the abundant life you desire.

I would love to hear your comments about this - feel free to post them below or email me directly. If you need help figuring out your purpose and taking your skills to the next level, contact me!

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