What Does Balance Look Like to You?

Vision"It's hard to lead a cavalry charge if you think you look funny on a horse." ~ Adlai Stevenson

"Leadership can be thought of as a capacity to define oneself to others in a way that clarifies and expands a vision of the future." ~ Edwin H. Friedman

Last week we began our discussion on Balance - and creating your Winning Leadership Formula to a Balanced Life.

Here are some leadership balance questions to ponder:

1. What does balance look like to you?

2. Where do you want more balance?

3. What difference would balance make in your leadership?

"A community is like a ship; everyone ought to be prepared to take the helm." ~ Henrik Ibsen

Take some time to answer these questions to the best of your ability. If you get stuck and need some coaching around them, let me know. I can help you gain clarity around your goals and move you forward into your very best leadership role!

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