Rachael Ray on Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products

Incorporating some easy green practices into your life can benefit you in a multitude of ways. True, going green is good for you and the planet, but did you know it can also save you a huge amount of money down the road?

Shaklee Get Clean® products offers you safe, powerful, and budget-friendly cleaning solutions that can help you and your family live happier, healthier lives. Here are a few back-to-basics tips to help get you going:

Use Less – Spend Less Get Clean products are superconcentrated, saving you thousands of dollars – ounce for ounce for products that outperform or match 15 national brands! You would have to spend more than $3,400 on conventional, ready-to-use products from major name brands to get the same amount of clean you'll find in the Get Clean Starter Kit.

See Rachael Ray on Shaklee http://bit.ly/cxwnWi

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I have a limited number of one-time coaching 50-minute sessions available for $149.00. In your "Professional/Personal Coaching Session" you will:

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2. Identify some key stepping stones to get you on the Right Track to reach your desired destination.

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This is a limited opportunity that will reap you much value to quicken your desired success. Contact me now to reserve your session!

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