Life-Long Learning no Longer a Luxury

Learning No longer is life-long learning a luxury. On-going learning is a necessity to navigate effectively in this world of changing markets and personnel needs. There was a time when the majority of the population trained for a specific profession and continued with that career until they retired. Today that is rarely the case. The new professional is estimated to have 6-7 career changes while engaged in the workforce.

Companies today are looking to cross train personnel in multiple tasks, so as one job becomes obsolete or a job shift is required, the transition is less costly and more effective. A company that recognized the importance in shifting company job classifications from singular career focus to multiple tasks was Toyota. When U.S. automakers found it necessary to make huge personnel cutbacks, Toyota was able to avoid massive layoffs by cross training their employees.

Want to improve your career? Think about what learning and knowledge you need to add to your tool box to help you advance in the direction of your dreams.

Next time: Technology has changed office dynamics!

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