The Sleeping Giant Within Is Bold & Authentic

"Our own heart, and not other men's opinions form our true honor."--Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834) British poet and philosopher 

In the quest for organic leadership, it is indeed a road least traveled by most. What seems to happen is one gets stuck in the past not realizing that they are repeating old patterns expecting something new. Like history, life is cyclical with the opportunity to transform.

 Transcendence needs boldness and nourishment. The cycles of nature are right in front from which to observe as teachers in leading authentic lives. They speak loud and clear organically of the nature of man.

Man is the possibility of being true to his/her nature, yet the majority of humanity follows the easy road and chooses to wear masks hiding their true leadership potential.

An oak tree is an oak tree, a cougar is a cougar, and Steve Irwin, the Crocodile Man, reminded us that a crocodile is a crocodile and knows no other way to be.

But rather than listen to the true nature of self, most humans go off in directions against their nature. It is easy to get confused and uncertain with the myriad of ads that intrude repetitively via Internet, radio, TV and other media resources offering solutions as if they were the salvation to your problems. And it may well be if you respond from your true nature and not fear.

 The masks people often are influenced to wear are those of celebrities. There is a magnetism of the good life as defined on television, the internet, movies and advertisements.

There is nothing wrong with wanting fame and fortune, just be careful you are not being a follower and being untrue to your nature. Within your organic self is power that blossoms like the acorn grows into a mighty oak tree. The oak tree embraces the beauty of spring and summer and the sharing of its brilliant autumn leaves getting ready to hibernate in winter.

Winter is an excellent season to regroup, reflect, reframe and redesign what worked, what to reseed, what new growth to plant and what you want to harvest in the fall. Within you is a sleeping giant. Winter is the perfect opportunity to visit your sleeping giant to brainstorm the upcoming growth you are looking to reap in the approaching seasons.

"Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart...Who looks outside, dreams, Who looks inside, awakens." Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) - Swiss psychiatrist and founder of analytical psychology Next time I'll offer you some questions and tips on waking your sleeping giant!

[image source/credit: Julian Stephens]
