Getting on Track to the Right Track

Well it has been quite a while since blogging.  I’ve been going through a transition, designing my next chapter.  This time I was able to take a sabbatical.  It took longer than I imagined.  But oh so worth the letting go of what didn’t work and being in the process of allowing. 
  •         Allowing that which desired to manifest authentically
  •         Getting out of my ego way 
  •         Trusting that we are each meant to be fulfilled and happy
  •          Faith in spiritual guidance – from the Source within each of us
  •          Listening by quieting my mind from endless ego chatter 
  •          Paying attention to living from what felt good vs. coming from “fears"
  •          Noticing where my energy was leading
  •          Observing ego-mind committed to false hopes
  •          Taking action in new directions that are rewarding and fulfilling
Transitions can take you down a path of fear, doubt, anxiety and stress if you let it, but they are unavoidable.  They are a time for adjusting and moving toward what’s next for you.  Rather than simmer in regret, it is much wiser to design a future based on what’s aching to be awakened.

My business and life have transformed and are always evolving.  From the coaching and support, I am experiencing freedom that is hard to explain.  Each of us are meant to travel in this life following our inner guidance.  Not the guidance of the ego which intent is not for happiness. 
I am working with clients who are making a career transition from what they have been doing to new possibilities and opportunities.  I am coaching with a deeper understanding, compassion, and boldness to help my clients be true to their journey in following their bliss.  

“We all have possibilities we don’t know about.
We can do things we don’t even dream we can do

              —Dale Carnegie                 


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